Monday, October 16, 2006

Blogging on the Web

A local columnist by the name of Linda Shrieves recently interviewed me for an article on blogging that was featured in today's edition of The Orlando Sentinel. You can read the full article here (you'll need to jump to page two of the article to read my part). I had recently written a post on the new season of Survivor and sent along a link of this post to one of my favorite writers for the Sentinel, Tammy Carter. She read my article and introduced me to Ms. Shrieves since she was doing a story on Orlando bloggers. It still amazes me how the internet has given us all the ability to communicate our thoughts to the world.

Here's some interesting facts that the Sentinel article points out:
  • 12 million American adults keep a blog and 54 percent of them are under 30.
  • 57 million Americans read blogs.
  • 60 percent of bloggers are white; 11 percent are African American; 19 percent are English-speaking Hispanics.
  • 37 percent of bloggers cite "my life and experiences" as the primary topic of their blog; 11 percent focus their blogs on politics and government.
  • 52 percent of bloggers say they blog mostly for themselves, not an audience. About one-third of bloggers say they blog primarily for their audience.

I got introduced to the blogging world a little over a year ago and I really enjoy not only posting my own thoughts, but I get a lot from reading others' thoughts also. Check out my "Blogroll" at the Crocker Chronicle to look at some of the blogs I read on a regular basis. The internet has given us the ability to communicate what's on our mind without having to publish a book or get a job writing for a newspaper. Of course, this does mean a lack of accountability in people having to back up their sources and stating the veracity of their assertions, but I like the "give and take" of posting thoughts, starting a dialogue and challenging thinking. If you think if you've got something to say, why don't you start your own blog? C'mon, join the fun...

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