Friday, August 01, 2008

Life on an Indian Reservation

Experiencing life on a Native American reservation is something that few Americans ever get the chance to do, but documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, recently provided a window into this world. On his FX television program, 30 Days, Spurlock spent a month on the Navajo reservation where he lived, worked and played as the people that live on the reservation. Spurlock is perhaps best known for his award-winning documentary, Super Size Me, in which he ate nothing but McDonald’s food each meal for a month and documented the whole experience on film for the world to see. (If you haven’t seen this movie, I highly recommend it. You’ll never view Big Macs or McDonald’s French fries the same).

His television program follows a similar premise by doing something new for 30 days in order to get a taste of what it is like for individuals that live in that lifestyle or engage in those activities on a regular basis. His time on the rez was certainly impactful for him and the episode does a superb job of focusing on issues that impact reservation life. Topics like spirituality, unemployment, poverty, family, alcoholism, injustice, casinos, language and Native culture all play a prominent role. You can view the episode online, entitled “Life on an Indian Reservation,” by following this link.

Essentially forgotten by many in the mainstream culture, Native Americans are still coping with the legacy that our forefathers left them and that our government still perpetuates today. The high rates of suicide, alcoholism and poverty are nothing like those in other American communities and the historically weak attempts at missionary work on reservations is well-documented.

It is why I’m excited about Nations, Campus Crusade for Christ’s outreach to Native American students. We have an increasing number of staff and volunteers that are focused on reaching this segment of students and are seeing God honor their faithfulness. Though Christians have often misrepresented Christ to those on reservations, our staff and students with Nations are seeking to be “salt and light” to those that need to hear about Jesus. Nations embraces and honors First Nations people and recognizes that there is one true Creator who desires to bring restoration to what has been lost by placing his Son Jesus Christ at the center of Native life and culture. May your tribe increase!

You can visit the website for Nations Movement by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. Scott,

    Maybe there is some nugget we could emulate within CCC inc. How about 30 days of ministry on a HBCU school? Just a thought. Great blog. I did watch the piece and it is v. powerful.

    Dave Moles
