Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Legacy of The Impact Movement

Rev. Matthew Watts is the respected pastor of Grace Bible Church in Charleston, West Virginia and the president of HOPE Community Development Corporation. At our most recent Impact national conference, Pastor Watts delivered one of the most rousing and inspiring messages that I have ever witnessed during an Impact conference main session.

He has been familiar with The Impact Movement since its beginning and is a dear friend of the ministry. As evidence of his commitment to Impact, Pastor Watts recently wrote an Op-Ed commentary in The Charleston Gazette writing of his support of The Impact Movement. You can read the whole article here, but here is a highlight:
"The Impact Movement may very well the most strategically positioned initiatives in the country to raise up the spiritual and moral leadership needed in the African-American community. This would make Charles and Rebecca Gilmer two of the African-American community's most important leaders. What God is doing through the Impact Movement will do more to positively change the African-American community than Barack Obama's election as president because Impact is raising up the next generation of servant leaders. The Impact Movement may very well be the best-kept secret in the African-American community in this country. It may also be one of the most important initiatives that God will use to revitalize the African-American community in this nation by calling us back to our spiritual heritage."


  1. Thanks for your encouraging words, Sarah.

  2. This is so great, Scott! Yea Gilmers, and yea Impact!!!
