Sunday, February 24, 2013

Five Things On Social Justice

Photo Credit: crunklygill
Here are 5 Things About Social Justice from Tall Skinny Kiwi:
"1. We won't solve the problems of our city by loving the poor but despising the rich. The poor need resources and the rich have resources. Lets bring them together.
2. We won't solve the problem of hunger by throwing cans of food at people without empowering them to grow and cook their own food.
3. We won't solve the problem of homelessness by sentencing people to a lifetime of unaffordable mortgage payments for a house that is too large for their needs and too expensive to heat or cool when we can offer sustainable building solutions and alternative residential communities.
4. We won't solve the problem of unemployment by crippling people with student debt for a qualification that might not actually land them a job when we could assist them to become creative and successful entrepreneurs.
5. We won't solve the problem of global poverty by sponsoring people to do nothing except to look poor and needy for our photos (somebody say mission porn) without freeing them to live sustainably, creatively and to put their gift into the world."
To read the rest of this post please click here.

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